How Fitness Trackers Lower Insurance Rates

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11 Minute read
Published: March 18, 2024

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How Fitness Trackers Lower Insurance Rates

11 Minute read
Published: March 18, 2024

Protect Your Wealth - Life Insurance, Investments, & Financial Planning Services Across Ontario

In the age of wearable technology, fitness trackers have become more than just tools for tracking steps and calories. They’ve also become powerful tools that can impact our life insurance rates. 

This blog looks at how fitness tracker data and life insurance are connected, showing how a healthy lifestyle can save you money. We’ll explore how fitness trackers work, which data insurance companies care about most, and how your fitness activities can lead to both better health and lower insurance costs.

How Have Fitness Trackers Become Part of Our Daily Lives?

Fitness trackers have become essential tools in our daily routines, acting as personal health monitors and motivators. They track a range of activities, from the number of steps we take to the quality of our sleep and our heart rate. This constant monitoring provides valuable insights into our health and fitness levels, allowing us to make informed decisions about our lifestyle.

Many people rely on these devices to help them reach their fitness goals, such as walking a certain number of steps each day or burning a specific number of calories. The interactive features of fitness trackers adds an element of fun and competition to exercise, making it more engaging.

Fitness trackers also support not just individual health goals but encourage participation in community fitness challenges and promote social interaction through shared achievements. Their ease of use and the way they engage users have made fitness trackers a key component of modern health-conscious living.

Connection Between Fitness Trackers and Insurance Premiums

The link between fitness trackers and insurance premiums is rooted in the concept of risk assessment by insurance companies. These devices provide a wealth of data on an individual’s physical activity, sleep patterns, heart rate, and overall fitness levels. Insurers are interested in this data because it offers a detailed and objective view of a person’s health and lifestyle habits.

When people consistently use fitness trackers, they generate data that can indicate a healthy, active lifestyle. For instance, regular physical activity, as recorded by a fitness tracker, might suggest that an individual has a lower risk of developing chronic conditions like heart disease, diabetes, or obesity. Insurance companies see this reduced health risk as a positive factor. This often leads to lower health and life insurance premiums for the individual.

Some insurance companies are partnering with fitness technology companies to create incentive programs. These programs reward individuals who meet certain activity benchmarks like walking a certain number of steps daily with discounts on their insurance premiums or other health-related rewards. This not only motivates individuals to be more active and health-conscious but also aligns their goals with those of the insurance providers, creating a win-win situation.

The data from fitness trackers offers a transparent, continuous, and accurate record of an individual’s activity levels and general health. This information can influence the insurance underwriting process, where healthier and more active individuals are often rewarded with lower premium rates. The connection between fitness trackers and insurance premiums is a reflection of the evolving insurance landscape, where personal health data plays a role in determining the cost of insurance coverage.

What Data Do Fitness Trackers Collect?

Fitness trackers collect a variety of data to provide insights into your health and activity levels. They use sensors like 3-axis accelerometers to track movement in every direction. This helps in calculating steps, activity levels, and even sleep quality. Some models include a gyroscope to measure orientation and rotation, enhancing the accuracy of activity tracking. Heart rate monitoring is another key feature. This is often achieved through optical sensors that detect blood flow and heart rate through the skin. These devices also monitor energy expenditure by integrating data from various sensors and applying algorithms to estimate calories burned.

The data from fitness trackers can influence insurance premiums. It shows an individual’s commitment to maintaining their health through regular physical activity. Insurance companies may use this data to assess the risk and offer lower premiums to those who lead a healthy and active lifestyle.

How Do Insurance Companies Use This Data to Assess Risk?

Insurance companies use data from fitness trackers to assess risk by examining various health-related metrics, such as step count, heart rate, sleep patterns, and calories burned. This information provides insurers with insights into an individual’s lifestyle, physical activity levels, and overall well-being. For example, a consistent pattern of exercise and healthy sleep habits, indicate a lower health risk. This could translate to lower insurance premiums.

Protect Your Wealth - Life Insurance, Investments, & Financial Planning Services Across Ontario

Here’s how it unfolds:

  1. Step Count and Activity Levels: High step counts and consistent physical activity indicate an active lifestyle. This is often associated with better health outcomes. Insurers see this as a reduced risk of diseases like autoimmune conditions and high blood pressure
  2. Heart Rate Monitoring: Continuous heart rate data helps insurers assess cardiovascular health. A stable, healthy heart rate, especially during various activities and rest, signifies good heart health. This influences risk assessments.
  3. Sleep Tracking: Quality sleep is crucial for overall health. Fitness trackers provide data on sleep duration and quality. This can help insurers understand an individual’s recovery and rest patterns. Good sleep data might indicate lower stress levels and better health management.
  4. Calorie Burn and Energy Expenditure: By analyzing how many calories you burn in a day, insurers can get a sense of your metabolic health and physical activity. 

Using these health and activity metrics into their risk assessment models allows insurance companies to create personalized insurance plans. Customers who maintain active and healthy lifestyles can often benefit from lower insurance rates. This approach encourages a preventive health mindset. Individuals are rewarded for maintaining good health and active living. This approach emphasizes the growing importance of personalized data in the insurance industry.

Manulife Vitality Specifically Reward Policyholders for Healthy Behaviors

Manulife Vitality specifically rewards policyholders for healthy behaviors through a point-based system. Policyholders earn points for various health-related activities. For example, engaging in physical exercise, completing health screenings, and participating in wellness programs. As individuals accumulate points, they can achieve higher status levels (Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum). This can lead to premium discounts and other rewards like gift cards and discounts on services and products.

For example, engaging in a 30-minute workout can earn 20 points as a “Standard Workout,” and a 45-minute session earns 30 points for an “Advanced Workout.” These points contribute towards the weekly targets. Upon achieving these targets, members can earn spins for a chance to win more points or gift cards. There are also various tiers within the program, starting from Bronze and moving up to Platinum. Each tier offers its own set of benefits and potential savings on insurance premiums. 

Manulife Vitality Plus members get additional rewards as they improve their status by earning more points, with opportunities to unlock discounts from various partners like Garmin and Les Mills. The program is made to be easy to use, motivating users to adopt healthy habits and monitor their progress with a mobile app or fitness device.

Steps to Enroll in a Program Like Manulife Vitality

Protect Your Wealth - Life Insurance, Investments, & Financial Planning Services Across Ontario

To enroll in a program like Manulife Vitality, the general steps involve:

  1. Choosing a Policy: Start by selecting a life insurance policy that is eligible for the Manulife Vitality program.
  2. Opting for Vitality: During the application process, opt into the Manulife Vitality program. This might involve completing an additional application form or selecting the Vitality option.
  3. Completing the Health Review: After enrolling, complete the Vitality Health Review (VHR), which is a questionnaire about your lifestyle and health. This step helps set your initial Vitality status and points.
  4. Syncing a Fitness Device: To track your activities, sync a compatible fitness device with the Manulife Vitality app. This could be a smartwatch or a fitness tracker that monitors your physical activities, sleep, and other health metrics.
  5. Engaging in Healthy Activities: Start participating in health-related activities that earn Vitality points. These can include exercising, getting health screenings, and attending wellness programs.

Initial savings in a program like Manulife Vitality can be immediate, as some insurers offer a starting discount or a lower premium rate when you join the program. The exact savings will depend on the insurance company’s policy and the program tier you achieve based on your accumulated points. For example, Manulife Vitality offers different levels of savings and rewards based on the points earned through healthy activities, with potential savings on premiums after the first year of participation.

What Makes Millennials and Gen X the Primary Users of Fitness Tracking Technology for Insurance Savings

Millennials and Gen X are prime users of fitness tracking for insurance savings because of their technological proficiency and health-conscious attitudes. Growing up during rapid tech evolution, they’re adept at using digital tools like fitness trackers to manage personal data. This comfort with technology, combined with an active approach to health, positions them well to benefit from insurance models that reward healthy behavior. 

Financial incentives provided by insurance companies for maintaining a healthy lifestyle appeal to their desire for cost-effective solutions, making them more likely to engage with programs that offer discounts for health monitoring. Their stage in life often involves serious financial planning, where saving on insurance through health initiatives aligns with their goals. 

What Are the Privacy Concerns of Sharing Fitness Data With Insurance Companies?

Sharing fitness data with insurance companies raises several privacy concerns. Firstly, there’s the issue of data security: how securely is the fitness data stored and transmitted to insurance companies? There’s a risk that sensitive health information could be accessed by unauthorized parties if not protected correctly. There’s also the question of data usage: what exactly will insurance companies do with the data? While the primary purpose is to assess risk and set premiums, there’s concern about whether the data might be used for other purposes, such as targeted advertising or even sold to third parties.

There is also the issue of consent and control: do individuals have a clear understanding of what they’re agreeing to when they share their fitness data with insurers? It’s crucial that individuals have control over their data. This includes the ability to decide what information is shared and the power to revoke access if desired. These privacy concerns show the importance of having clear policies and strong data protection to make sure that individuals’ health data is handled ethically and responsibly by insurance companies.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about  How Fitness Trackers Lower Insurance Rates

Fitness trackers help lower insurance rates by providing data that demonstrate healthy habits and reduced health risks. Regular physical activity, monitored by these devices, can lead to lower premiums because it suggests a lower likelihood of health-related claims.

Insurance companies often consider data such as step count, heart rate, exercise frequency, and sleep quality. These metrics give insurers a clearer picture of an individual’s lifestyle and health status, helping them to assess risk more accurately.

Using a fitness tracker does not guarantee lower insurance rates, as insurers consider a range of factors, including health history, age, and lifestyle habits. However, consistently demonstrating healthy behavior through tracker data can positively influence rate assessments.

Insurance companies may use various methods to verify the accuracy of fitness tracker data, including comparing it with medical records, conducting periodic health assessments, or using data aggregation and analysis techniques to ensure consistency and reliability.

Find a solution for what you’re looking for 

Embracing the technology of fitness trackers not only paves the way for healthier living but also opens up opportunities to lower insurance rates. At Protect Your Wealth, we work with and compare policies and quotes from the best life insurance companies in Canada to ensure the best solution for you and your needs. We provide expert life insurance solutions, including no medical life insurance, critical illness insurance, term life insurance, and permanent life insurance to build the best package to give you the protection you need. 

Contact Protect Your Wealth or call us at 1-877-654-6119 to talk to an advisor today! We’re proudly based out of Hamilton, and service clients anywhere in Ontario, British Columbia, Alberta, and Manitoba including areas such as Oakville, Airdrie, Kamloops and Brandon.

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