Why Canadians Need Life Insurance: Protecting Your Loved Ones and Legacy

Discover why life insurance is essential for Canadians.

15 minute read
Originally published: April 3, 2023

Why Canadians Need Life Insurance: Protecting Your Loved Ones and Legacy

Why Canadians Need Life Insurance: Protecting Your Loved Ones and Legacy

Discover why life insurance is essential for Canadians.

15 minute read
Originally published: April 3, 2023

Why Canadians Need Life Insurance: Protecting Your Loved Ones and Legacy

Life is unpredictable, and none of us can truly predict what the future holds. While it can be difficult to think about our own mortality, it’s important to plan for the future and protect our loved ones in case the unexpected happens. One of the most important financial tools for Canadians is life insurance. Life insurance provides a safety net that can help cover expenses and provide for loved ones in the event of an unexpected death. It can also be an important part of legacy planning, helping to ensure that dependents are taken care of and that a charitable legacy is left behind. Despite its importance, many Canadians are still hesitant to purchase life insurance. There are misconceptions that it’s too expensive, only necessary for those with dependents, or that it’s something that can be put off until later. However, the reality is that every Canadian needs life insurance, regardless of their age, health, or financial situation. In this blog post, we’ll explore why life insurance is so important for Canadians, the different types of policies available, and how to choose the right policy for your needs.

Protecting Your Loved Ones Financially 

The primary reason to purchase life insurance is to protect your loved ones financially in the event of your unexpected death. Without life insurance, your loved ones may be left with a significant financial burden, including funeral expenses, outstanding debts, and ongoing living expenses. Here are some of the ways that life insurance can help protect your loved ones financially:

Covering Funeral Expenses: Funerals can be expensive, with the average cost in Canada ranging from $5,000 to $10,000. Without life insurance, your loved ones may be left to cover these costs out of pocket. Life insurance can provide the necessary funds to cover funeral expenses, reducing the financial burden on your loved ones during a difficult time.

Paying off Debts: If you have outstanding debts such as a mortgage, car loan, or credit card debt, life insurance can be used to pay off these debts in the event of your unexpected death. This can help ensure that your loved ones are not left with the burden of paying off your debts on top of their own expenses. Providing

Ongoing Income: If you are the primary breadwinner in your family, your unexpected death could leave your loved ones without a source of income. Life insurance can provide ongoing income replacement for your loved ones, helping to ensure that they can continue to pay their bills and maintain their standard of living.

Funding Education Expenses: If you have children, life insurance can be used to fund their education expenses. Whether it’s paying for tuition, room and board, or other expenses, life insurance can provide the necessary funds to ensure that your children can achieve their educational goals.

Leaving an Inheritance: Life insurance can also be used to leave an inheritance for your loved ones. By naming your beneficiaries, you can ensure that a portion of the proceeds from your life insurance policy goes directly to your loved ones, providing them with a financial cushion and the ability to pursue their goals and dreams.

Overall, life insurance can provide important financial protection for your loved ones in the event of your unexpected death. By covering funeral expenses, paying off debts, providing ongoing income replacement, funding education expenses, and leaving an inheritance, life insurance can help ensure that your loved ones are taken care of and can maintain their standard of living.

Ensuring Your Legacy

Life insurance is not just a tool for protecting your loved ones financially, but it can also be an important tool for ensuring your legacy. In the event of an unexpected death, life insurance can provide a safety net for your loved ones, helping them cover expenses and ensuring that they can maintain their standard of living. However, life insurance can also be used to provide long-term support for your dependents and to ensure that your charitable goals are met.

For many people, their dependents are their top priority. If you have dependents such as children, elderly parents, or a spouse, life insurance can help ensure that they are taken care of in the event of your unexpected death. Life insurance can be used to pay off outstanding debts, cover funeral expenses, and provide ongoing financial support. For example, life insurance can be used to cover education expenses for your children, provide income replacement for a spouse, or cover the ongoing care costs for elderly parents. By having life insurance, you can provide a sense of security and peace of mind knowing that your loved ones will be taken care of if you are no longer around.

Another way that life insurance can be used to ensure your legacy is through charitable giving. By naming a charity as the beneficiary of a life insurance policy, you can ensure that a portion of the proceeds will go towards a cause that is important to you. Charitable giving through life insurance can be a great way to make a difference in the world and leave a lasting impact beyond your lifetime. For example, you may choose to donate to a charity that supports medical research, environmental conservation, or social justice causes. The possibilities for charitable giving through life insurance are endless, and working with an insurance professional can help you determine the best way to support the causes you care about.

Finally, life insurance can also be used to provide for dependents with special needs. If you have a child with special needs who will require ongoing care after your death, life insurance can be used to provide for that care. Similarly, if you have elderly parents who depend on you for financial support, life insurance can help ensure that they continue to receive the support they need. By having a life insurance policy that is tailored to the needs of your dependents, you can help ensure that they are taken care of for years to come.

Life insurance is not just a financial safety net, but it can also be an important tool for ensuring your legacy and providing for your loved ones in the long-term. Whether you choose to use life insurance for charitable giving, to provide for dependents with special needs, or to ensure ongoing financial support for your loved ones, the possibilities for using life insurance to achieve your goals are endless. Working with an insurance professional can help you determine the best way to use life insurance to achieve your individual goals and priorities.

Types of Life Insurance Policies

There are several different types of life insurance policies available in Canada, each with its own unique features and benefits. Understanding the different types of policies can help you choose the right one for your needs. Some of the most common types of life insurance policies include:

Term Life Insurance: This is the most basic and affordable type of life insurance policy. It provides coverage for a specific period of time, such as 10, 20, or 30 years. If you pass away during the term of the policy, your beneficiaries will receive a lump-sum payment. If you outlive the policy, it will simply expire. This type of policy is ideal for individuals who want to ensure that their dependents are taken care of in the event of their unexpected death but do not need lifelong coverage.

Whole Life Insurance: This type of policy provides lifelong coverage, as long as you continue to pay the premiums. It also includes a savings component that can accumulate cash value over time, which you can borrow against or use to pay premiums. This type of policy is ideal for individuals who want lifelong coverage and are willing to pay higher premiums for the added benefits of savings and investment options.

Universal Life Insurance: This is a flexible type of policy that combines the benefits of whole life insurance with investment options. You can choose how much of your premium goes towards the insurance coverage and how much goes towards investment, which can include stocks, bonds, or other types of assets. This type of policy is ideal for individuals who want lifelong coverage and want the flexibility to customize their coverage and investment options.

Critical Illness Insurance: This type of policy provides coverage if you are diagnosed with a serious illness, such as cancer or heart disease. If you are diagnosed with a covered illness, you will receive a lump-sum payment that you can use to cover medical expenses or other costs associated with your illness. This type of policy is ideal for individuals who want coverage for the unexpected expenses that can come with a serious illness.

When choosing a life insurance policy, it’s important to consider your individual needs and circumstances. Factors to consider may include your age, health, income, and lifestyle. You may also want to consider the needs of your beneficiaries, such as their age, financial situation, and any ongoing expenses they may have.

It’s also important to consider the benefits and drawbacks of each type of policy. For example, term life insurance is typically more affordable than whole or universal life insurance, but it does not include a savings component. Whole life insurance, on the other hand, includes a savings component but can be more expensive. Understanding the pros and cons of each type of policy can help you make an informed decision about which policy is right for you. Finally, it’s important to work with a trusted insurance professional who can help guide you through the process of choosing a life insurance policy. An insurance professional can help you understand your options, determine the amount of coverage you need, and find a policy that fits your individual needs and budget.

The most common type of life insurance. Permanent life insurance and term life insurance.

Choosing the Right Policy

Choosing the right life insurance policy can be a daunting task. With so many options available, it can be difficult to determine which policy is the best fit for your individual needs and circumstances. When selecting a life insurance policy, there are several factors to consider.

Coverage Amount: The amount of coverage you need will depend on a variety of factors, such as your income, debts, and the needs of your beneficiaries. A general rule of thumb is to have coverage that is at least 10 times your annual income. However, the amount of coverage you need will vary depending on individual circumstances. It’s important to carefully consider your needs and work with an insurance professional to determine the appropriate coverage amount.

Premiums: Life insurance premiums can vary widely depending on the type of policy, coverage amount, and individual circumstances such as age and health. It’s important to consider the cost of premiums when choosing a policy, as it’s important to select a policy that fits your budget.

Riders: Riders are additional features that can be added to a life insurance policy to customize coverage. Some common riders include accidental death and dismemberment coverage, waiver of premium, and accelerated death benefit. It’s important to consider which riders may be appropriate for your needs and budget.

Underwriting: Underwriting is the process of evaluating an individual’s health and other factors to determine the appropriate premium for a life insurance policy. Depending on individual circumstances, such as age or health, some policies may be more difficult to obtain. It’s important to understand the underwriting process and work with an insurance professional to find a policy that fits your individual circumstances.

Company Reputation: The reputation of the insurance company you choose is an important factor to consider. Look for a company with a strong financial rating and a history of paying claims in a timely and fair manner. You can research insurance companies through third-party rating agencies, such as A.M. Best or Standard & Poor’s.

It’s important to take the time to carefully consider these factors when choosing a life insurance policy. Working with an insurance professional can also be helpful, as they can guide you through the process and help you find a policy that fits your individual needs and budget. In addition to selecting the right policy, it’s also important to review and update your life insurance coverage regularly. As your circumstances change, your coverage needs may also change. For example, if you have a child or take on additional debt, you may need to increase your coverage amount. Regularly reviewing and updating your coverage can help ensure that you have the appropriate protection in place.

Common Misconceptions About Life Insurance

Despite its importance, there are many misconceptions about life insurance that can prevent people from obtaining the coverage they need. Here are some of the most common misconceptions about life insurance:

Life insurance is too expensive: Many people believe that life insurance is too expensive and only for the wealthy. However, life insurance can be affordable and tailored to fit a variety of budgets. Term life insurance, for example, is often more affordable than other types of policies and can provide a significant amount of coverage at a reasonable price.

Life insurance is only necessary for those with dependents: While life insurance is an important tool for providing for dependents in the event of an unexpected death, it can also be used to provide for other needs such as paying off debts, covering funeral expenses, or leaving a charitable legacy. Even if you do not have dependents, life insurance can still provide important protection and peace of mind.

I can wait to get life insurance: Many people put off purchasing life insurance, believing that they can wait until they are older or have a greater need for coverage. However, the reality is that life insurance is often more affordable when you are younger and in good health. Waiting to purchase coverage can also put your loved ones at risk if something were to happen to you unexpectedly.

My employer-provided life insurance is enough: Many employers offer life insurance coverage as part of their employee benefits package. While this coverage can be helpful, it may not be enough to fully protect your loved ones in the event of your unexpected death. Additionally, employer-provided coverage may not be portable if you leave your job, leaving you without coverage when you need it most.

I won’t qualify for coverage: Many people believe that they will not qualify for life insurance coverage due to their age, health, or lifestyle. However, there are a variety of policies available for individuals with different needs and circumstances. Even if you have a pre-existing medical condition, there may still be coverage options available to you.

It’s important to look beyond these common misconceptions and consider the benefits of life insurance for your individual needs and circumstances. Working with an insurance professional can help you understand your options and find a policy that fits your individual needs and budget. Don’t let misconceptions prevent you from obtaining the important protection that life insurance can provide.


Life insurance is an important tool for protecting your loved ones and ensuring your legacy. It provides a financial safety net that can help cover expenses and ensure that your loved ones are taken care of in the event of your unexpected death. With so many options available, it’s important to take the time to carefully consider your individual needs and work with an insurance professional to find the right policy for you. It’s also important to review and update your life insurance coverage regularly. As your circumstances change, your coverage needs may also change. By reviewing and updating your coverage regularly, you can ensure that you have the appropriate protection in place. Don’t let misconceptions about life insurance prevent you from obtaining the coverage you need. Life insurance can be affordable and tailored to fit a variety of budgets and needs. By taking the time to understand your options and working with an insurance professional, you can find the right policy to provide important protection and peace of mind for you and your loved ones. In the end, life insurance is an investment in your family’s future. By securing your legacy and protecting your loved ones, you can have the peace of mind knowing that you’ve taken the steps necessary to provide for them in the event of an unexpected tragedy.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Life Insurance in Canada

Term life insurance provides coverage for a specific period of time, such as 10, 20, or 30 years. If you pass away during the term of the policy, your beneficiaries will receive a lump-sum payment. Permanent life insurance provides lifelong coverage, as long as you continue to pay the premiums, and includes a savings component.

The amount of life insurance you need will depend on a variety of factors, such as your income, debts, and the needs of your beneficiaries. A general rule of thumb is to have coverage that is at least 10 times your annual income, but the amount of coverage you need will vary depending on individual circumstances.

Yes, there are life insurance policies available for individuals with pre-existing medical conditions. However, the cost of premiums and the amount of coverage may be impacted.

The cost of life insurance will depend on a variety of factors, such as your age, health, lifestyle, and the type of policy you choose. It’s important to work with an insurance professional to determine the appropriate coverage amount and find a policy that fits your budget.

Yes, most life insurance policies can be changed or updated later. It’s important to review and update your coverage regularly to ensure that you have the appropriate protection in place

Yes, you can name multiple beneficiaries on your life insurance policy. You can also specify the percentage of the proceeds that each beneficiary will receive.

You can purchase life insurance for someone else as long as you have their consent and insurable interest in the person’s life.

While life insurance is an important tool for providing for dependents in the event of an unexpected death, it can also be used to provide for other needs such as paying off debts, covering funeral expenses, or leaving a charitable legacy. Even if you do not have dependents, life insurance can still provide important protection and peace of mind.

Contact us now to learn more about Life Insurance in Canada

Thank you for reading about Why Canadians need life insurance. Now that you know more about how life insurance you can plan out a strong strategy to take care of your loved ones and your assets, life insurance is an essential tool for all Canadians. At Protect Your Wealth, we’ve been providing expert advice for all types of life insurance, and retirement and investing planning, since 2007. As your Life Insurance broker and financial planner, we work with you to create a personalized plan for your family or business that covers and meets your needs.

To schedule a consultation about your investment goals, or if you have any questions about insurance in Ontario or Canada, please contact Protect Your Wealth or call us at 1-877-654-6119 to talk to an advisor today! We’re proudly based out of Hamilton, and service clients anywhere in Ontario, British Columbia and Alberta  including areas such as Kelowna, Airdrie, Kitchener, and Vancouver

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